
Find local self referrals

Self-referral services

Pharmacy First

The NHS Pharmacy First scheme allows your local pharmacy to provide you a walk in appointment (where available) and give you any necessary prescription to treat common conditions.

Learn more about how pharmacies can help

Wellbeing support

Youth mental health support

Learning difficulties and disability support


Podiatry self referral

Diabetic emergency foot clinic

Walk-in foot clinic for diabetic patients at Royal Free Hospital, located in A+E. This emergency clinic is for diabetic patients presenting with foot infection/new ulceration/cuts/sudden foot pain).


The nearest hospitals to consider are: 

Please inform the surgery you are pregnant as we may need to urgently review any medication you are on.

doctor and patient


Created by GPs to help patients connect with private specialists and private allied health professionals that have been recommended by doctors. Patients pay for their appointments directly (self-pay) or via their private medical insurance.

Visit myHealthSpecialist

social prescriber

Barnet Social Prescribing

We are excited to announce that we are offering a patient self referral route to speak to one of the surgery's social prescribers. Social Prescribers are non-medical professionals who are trained to listen and offer short term support to adults (18+) to help them focus on what matters most to them right now and connect them to appropriate local community organisations or groups for further follow up.

Self refer here

Further Support