Patient Participation Group

The St Andrew’s Patient Participation Group (PPG) is open to all patients registered at the Practice.

About the PPG

Its aim is to help to promote cooperation and strengthen communication between the practice, patients and the wider community in order to improve local health services.

The PPG meets every 2 to 3 months. The meetings are attended by patient members, representatives of the Health Champions, as well as members of the Practice partnership and management.

Past discussions at the PPG have led to the introduction of a phlebotomist in the Practice, text message reminders of appointments, and waiting room improvements.

Current objectives include:

  • improving patient information on the Practice website and in the waiting areas;
  • using e-mail to enable the practice to provide information about general services, such as vaccinations and special clinics;
  • encouraging participation in online services for repeat prescriptions and appointments;
  • assisting in the development of a Patient Charter; and
  • producing a quarterly Practice newsletter.

The PPG welcomes new members. This is your opportunity to make a positive contribution towards helping the Practice achieve the highest possible standards of service and care for you and other patients, so please use the online form to register your interest. Forms are also available in the surgery.

Sign up to the patient group

Please do not attempt to join if you are not registered at this practice - this group is open to currently registered patients only.